How to Advertise Blogs Using Blog Directories |

If you have a blog, and want to make it big across the web so as to have many people read your blog, chances are that it becomes more difficult to do so because of the growing number of competitiveness on the internet.However, if you advertise your blog in the right way, dominating niches is not that hard, given you are working hard and working smart.Two ways to advertise your blogThanks to the power of the Internet, you are now able to advertise your blog in many different ways. For example, you can participate in forum and promote it in your signature, or even act as a solution provider to people who have particular problem that can be solved by your post. Another way is to advertise your blog in mailing list. Similar to what you did in forum, you can share your knowledge and expertise in mailing list. Both of these methods can promote and drive a lot of traffic to your blog.Advertise Your Blog In Blogging directoryYou are also suggested to submit your blog to different blogging directories so as to drive your visitors to visit your blog.Similar to the way Google did to index your website to their index, you can put your blog to different blogging directories in order to extend your blog exposure. There are some blogging directories that provide paid or free services. It is up to you to choose any service you want. If you do not have much money or you want to try blogging directory service first, submitting your blog to free blogging directory is a way to go.How To maximize the potential of your blog submission?If you want to maximize the result of your submission, you are suggested to submit your blog under the most suitable categories or keywords that can be searched. In this way, individual can categorize and filter your blog easily and, you will be able to get readers who can really share your interest, rather than a casual reader who just pass through.How to submit your blog to online blogging directories?As said before, you can choose those free listing blogging directories at the beginning. There are many blogging directories available, so you do not need to worry about not having a free blogging directory. Moreover, instead of submitting your blog to single blogging directory, you are suggested to submit it to four or five directories because, different readers may have their own favorite on blogging directory and you do not want to lose any potential visitors. This is also a way to spread your blog and yourself as far as possible.Know your blog keywordsBefore submitting your blog to blogging directory, you should be very clear on what your blog keywords should be. It is because people will use keyword to find out your blog. You know how frustrated it is when you are searching for some information and it turns out that the result is not what you want. Imagine what a reader feel when s/he read your blog but the content is not what they want. You should not make such kind of mistake.How to drive visitors away from your blogWhen talking about content, just imagine how many bloggers who do not even check if their content is readable or not! Make your blog content readable and your blog should be a place that worth coming repeatedly. For example, you have to check your spelling and sentences that at least make sense to your reader. In other words, make your blog ready for the whole world before submitting to blogging directory.Read the rules of blogging directoriesAlthough submitting your blog to blogging directory is very simple, you may not want to bleach their rules when you do your submission. If you are not sure, read their terms of service, FAQ or about page and you are good to go. So follow and respect their rules when you are advertising your blog.